All volcanoes articles
Violent volcanic lightning created the nitrogen compounds essential for the chemistry that led to life
First direct evidence of nitrates linked to eruptions discovered
Volcanic sulfur dioxide linked to oxygen level rise in Earth’s early atmosphere
Study predicts 4.3% of oxygen in atmosphere today comes from breakdown of sulfur dioxide
Volcanoes and meteorites may have delivered catalysts for life’s beginning
Iron-rich nanoparticles can catalyse conversion of CO2 to complex organic molecules
A glimpse at alien volcanoes that spew metal
Hypothetical ferrovolcanoes explored with world’s only lava flow simulator
Active volcano’s carbon emissions sampled by drones
Volcanic gas monitoring could help to predict future eruptions and understand the impacts of climate change
Seeding oceans with volcanic ash could be new tool to tackle climate change
Tephra could encourage phytoplankton blooms that could potentially sequester huge amounts of carbon dioxide