Join us 8 November to discover how analytical software can support your workflow

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In this hour-long, interactive webinar you will learn about the new ChemisTwin software for both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. The ChemisTwin platform is a cloud-based application powered by digital reference materials (dRMs) designed to automate NMR and IR spectroscopy analysis and bring confidence and consistency to your results.

Our expert speakers will demonstrate how you can effortlessly qualify and quantify compounds with just a few mouse clicks, showing how spectra can be uploaded, handled and interpreted. They will take you through NMR workflow for both qualitative (structure verification and identification) and quantitative analysis as well as looking at IR workflow including identification, purity checking and quantification. They will also showcase the different libraries of dRMs available (NMR and IR) and how they were produced, whilst discussing the reporting capabilities of the ChemisTwin platform, showing how to generate and share reports.

By attending this webinar you will:

  • Learn why well-characterised reference data helps you to ensure production quality
  • Understand the advantages of cloud-based analytical software
  • Gain perspective on ChemisTwin and its ability to support you in your analytical workflow

Please note: Closed captions are available on this webinar.


Portrait headshot of Albert Farre Perez

Albert Farre Perez

Albert Farre Perez gained a master’s in chemistry, during which he undertook two Erasmus programmes – one in Germany and the other in the United Kingdom. Subsequently, he pursued his PhD in organometallic chemistry in Bern, Germany. Joining Merck KGaA in June 2022, Albert has played a pivotal role in developing the scientific NMR background for an innovative web-browser analytical portal.


Portrait headshot of Frederik Fleissner

Frederik Fleissner

Frederik Fleissner obtained his PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany, in molecular spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis of protein structure. He worked as product manager for Raman spectrometers for several years before joining Merck KGaA, Germany in 2020. Since then, his focus has been on developing software solutions for infrared spectroscopy.

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