Developed by Clariant, Sunliquid is an innovative and sustainable technology used to produce bio-ethanol. In this hour-long webinar, Clariant Group Leader Benjamin Fürst introduces the process and describes how he and his team use modelling techniques to optimise fermentation processes.

Resources in process development for fermentation processes are always limited, often because of time constraints or the limited access to fermentation vessels. For this reason, optimal usage of the collected data is of paramount importance.

In this session, you will see how to maximise insights and understanding of the process by modelling data collected offline (like product titer and parameters of downstream processing) and online sensor data (such as pO2) in context of the Functional Data Explorer platform in JMP. The modelling approach is based on constant and functional factors and responses. Because of the limited design space, the new extrapolation control for the profiler plays an important role.

Along with a practical demonstration of the software, this webinar highlights the advantages of using JMP’s Graph Builder to lead teams and subject matter experts to an easier, faster and more efficient understanding of their data.

By the end of this webinar recording, you will…

  • Have gained a practical understanding of the scope provided by JMP’s Graph Builder software and how it fits into a range of workflows
  • Be able to leverage data analytics within your team to optimise a range of processes
  • Understand how data visualisation can help you know your data better, enabling you and your team to collaborate and make better decisions

Portrait of Clairiant Bioprocess Design group leader Benjamin Fürst

Speaker: Benjamin Fürst, Group Leader – Bioprocess Design, Clariant Produkte Deutschland GmbH

Benjamin Fürst has worked for Clariant since 2014. He leads the Bioprocess Design group in the department of Development & Biomanufacturing at Group Biotechnology, and gained a Master of Engineering in biochemical engineering from TU Dortmund University in Germany.

Fürst works in the area of downstream processing of biotech products, process cost estimation with Monte Carlo methodology and advanced data analytics.


Portrait of Emmanuel Romeu, senior systems engineer for JMP

Speaker: Emmanuel Romeu, Senior systems engineer, JMP

Emmanuel Romeu is senior systems engineer for JMP, where he supports sales and customer development in France. Prior to joining JMP, Romeu worked for more than 15 years as R&D project manager for Beckman Coulter following a role as Industrial Development Manager at IMMUNOTECH.

JMP Statistical Discovery logo 2022

JMP produces interactive software for desktop statistical discovery. Pronounced “jump,” its name suggests a leap in interactivity, a move in a new direction. John Sall, SAS co-founder and Executive Vice President, created this dynamic software and remains its chief architect and leader of the JMP division. Introduced in 1989 with scientists and engineers in mind, JMP has grown into a family of statistical discovery products  used worldwide in almost every industry. From its beginnings, JMP software has empowered its users by enabling interactive analytics on the desktop.